Our trip to China has already been action packed! From the incredible view up high in the pearl tower in Shanghai to the Suzhou North American academy, we are doing so much. May 21st was no exception.
After our lovely breakfast at the Peace Hotel, we began our day’s journey by visiting the Jade Buddhist temple. It is named this because of the rare and expensive Buddha statue in the temple made of Jade. It was very interesting, as it was as much a tourist destination as it was a legitimate place of prayer, with tour guides speaking next to citizens bowing to the statues.
We completed our afternoon with a visit to the Shanghai history museum. I loved the art section, with vistas of rural China painted on all sorts of surfaces. Among my favorites were those vistas painted on over 20ft. long scrolls – like a ridiculously oversized panorama I couldn’t even capture on my phone!
Lastly, straight from the museum, we traveled to NC State’s partner school in China, Shanghai North America High School (SNA). And what a warm reception! The CEO of the school, along with his daughter and staff, were all there to welcome us to this innovative facility.
In fact, they led us directly in to a quick tour of student’s art, high tech laboratories, and an impressive makerspace. Through these facilities, we really got a taste of the culture of innovation at the school – especially when they told us of the students who had already created 5 new patents!
I am excited to learn more about this school and the people who make it up. Dr. Spires will be our guide, and she has set deep roots in the school’s creation and philosophy. In a few days, we will be working with the teachers to teach lessons at this school. I am looking forward to meeting and learning from this challenge!
Oh, and one last thing – I should mention how incredible it is to be able to visit China as the world is changing. With more open policies, globalization, and cultural influence from around the world, China’s culture is in an incredibly unique place of integration. And sometimes, that leads to moments where you could swear you are smelling the scents of home…
From the East,
Jack O’Connor